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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Public Inquiry · Who’s watching the watchers?

Public Inquiry · Who’s watching the watchers?: Regarding the “system”as a model of truth and honesty its nothing of the kind ,it is a contest between two sides(like the legal frame work)its played according to certain rules and if the truth happens to emerge as a result of the contest ,thats pure luck,but it is unlikely to,its not something the contestants are concerned with,they are concerned that the "GAME" should be played according to the rules,there are many rules and one of them is that some questions which might provide a shortcut to the truth are not allowed to be asked,and those that are asked are not allowed to be answered,the result is that the guilt or innocence is often reached haphazardly,for the wrong reasons in spite of the evidence,and may or may not coincide with the factual or literal truth(petition ref 237\95,7th march)substantive unjust issues cannot be resolved this way.It appears that when it involves courts of law, it is alleged the courts have no say in state deletion of documents(the contest)in ireland?for instance if an original of a statment was available for the defence to peruse if it so wished ,it would appear to be the position that statments compiled by the state in a book of evidence may have substantial portions deleted ,such deletion may not be revealed and if discovered need not be explained?THE"REAL"REASONS PROJECT?

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